Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's Ok Thursday

I've wanted to do this link up for a some time now but couldn't ever get to my computer on Thursday.

So here I go..................

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK

that I cry during's always happy tears!

that last week I barely worked and it felt great

to write this post and go back to's only 8 and I shouldn't be awake!

that I love my car even though it's a pos

that I can't stay up super late unless I've closed at work

to wear sundresses everyday because I don't have to wear a bra...ahhhh

that I'm a class behind in school...I work full time too!

That's all I could think of to be ok with today.

So what's ok with you?

1 comment:

Ali said...

It's OK that you are a class behind in school... you work full time AND you are a momma! I love the line about not having to wear a bra.. doesn't it feel great!?